
i'm zach.

i'm zach.

While my logo displays ZacharyHunt, I'd ask you to say ZachHunt fast (inside voices) and decide for yourself which is the better branding direction.

I find that writing my about page is a bit like my design work; I obsess over it. I'll write something, delete it. Write something else, let it marinate for a time and return to it, only to realize the first draft was far better than the most recent copy but I'm one too many command Z's away from getting it back.

So I've sat down to write this for the 486th final time. I just finished putting my daughter to bed and I'm feeling confident in my writing skills. Just yesterday she told me she thinks I'm an excellent writer. Well, she's not yet 2 and at the time she was pointing at our Great Pyrenees saying "chizzé" but deep down I know she was referring to my writing skills. I've taught her that being articulate without being circuitous is the key to getting your point across.

In short; I'm a design fanatic, have two too many dogs and I love my daughter to bits.

I have the best words.
Say hi and I'll share some.

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